Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday Market

Today was my second day at the Wilson Park farmer's market.  As Seth and I were setting up at 7 am, this is the very first thing I heard, "What a rip off!  $5 for a little duck?!"  I just had to laugh, especially since those were my best sellers on Saturday!

According to the woman selling delicious plums across the way, the Tuesday market is totally different than the Saturday one, with a different demographic.  Fewer people.  Older people.  Lots of people on a fixed income.  She was right.  But proving once again that cancer does not discriminate, I met even more survivors today than on Saturday!

I met Sue, who told me that she just made her appointment for a lumpectomy on September 17.  She bought a wish bracelet and asked me to put it on her.  I told her I wished for her well being, and we had a tearful hug.  I met Marianne, who's sister died of cancer and who offered to donate baked goods for the Coyote Cantina event.  I met a 50 something woman who told me that after surviving breast cancer felt she had the right to say "Fuck Cancer."  When I told her I could make her a necklace that said that, she bought one!  I met a 70+ year old man that told me his wife already gave...she gave both of her breasts!  I met a Filipino woman who had many members of her family affected by cancer and who was about to undergo genetic counseling because of her family history.  I met a nurse who works in a cancer hospital.  On and on it went.

It was a beautiful day.  We raised lots of money for the cure.  I made new friends, touched some people, and was touched by them all.  What more could I ask for??

Special thanks to Seth, who helped me set up, tended to the kids, and then distributed flyers for tomorrows fundraiser to lots of local businesses.  I love you!

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