Thursday, June 30, 2011

A New Do

Well, as you can see, I did get that picture of Gina's new do last night :)  I think she looks great!  Like me, she's worn her hair short for a long time, so it's not that big of a leap.  Plus, I'm glad she just went ahead and did it.  Although it was somewhat upsetting, it can't be worse that having clumps of hair fall out.

After HOURS of waiting at the hospital (WHY WHY WHY can't they ever be on time??), Gina got her port put in today.  The choice is the chest or the arm, and Gina chose her arm.  Because there is a chance of infection, I think she preferred to chance an infection in her arm vs. on her chest.  She said that the shot to administer the local anesthetic was the most painful part, but she could see bruising pretty quickly, and I'm sure she'll be tender for a while.

The port is placed on the inner part of the arm that is opposite of the tumor.  That way surgery does not interfere with the port and vice-versa (at least in the case of lumpectomy).  Gina will also be having 6 IV treatments after her surgery, so the port will be in place for at least a year.  Like I said yesterday, in the long run it's easier and better than repeatedly getting an IV put in.

It's been really fun researching and brainstorming fundraising ideas.  I AM ON A MISSION!  One idea I had was to somehow carry people's loved ones' names while I was walking.  I had seen a picture of a woman who puts ribbons all over her hat with peoples names, so I was thinking of something like that.  Then, on the message boards of the SGK website, I found out about a company that makes custom buttons at reasonable prices.  Even better, they don't have a minimum or a set up charge!  So whenever someone donates, I will be offering to put any name(s) or pictures on buttons that they would like, and I will be wearing them during the walk.  I'm still not sure, though, where I'll be wearing them.  Maybe a vest?  We'll see :)

Team TOUGH TITTY got two more donations today.  One from my childhood best friend's mom, Rose, and another from my "anonymous" tattooed, Harley riding friend of 30+ years.  I am overwhelmed by the feelings of gratefulness I feel with each donation--I feel so blessed!  THANK YOU.

Another cool thing that is happening is that a woman who is a Chicago based SGK 3-Day Walker is creating a logo for team TOUGH TITTY!  People were talking about her on the message boards, saying that she does logos in exchange for a donation to her team.  So I emailed her last night,  and by the time I woke up this morning there was an email in my inbox saying that she would love to do it!  HOW COOL IS THAT??

Until tomorrow!

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